Sunday, March 2, 2008

Robert Walton Profile

Hey everyone! We didn't have much time to talk about the character of Robert Walton last Friday so lets talk about him on our blog. He's an interesting character despite his rather small role in the text.Walton is trying to find the northwest passage — it would revolutionize world trade, and make him very famous and rich.

This we know about our fearless seaman, but what else can we say about Walton? Here are three questions for you to think about and respond to!
1. Why does Walton admire the stranger, Dr. Frankenstein?
2. How are Walton and Frankenstein alike?
3. Why does Frankenstein tell Walton his story?
4. Who is Marge Simpson suppose to be in this picture?

~ By the way, here is a map of Robbie Walton's journey. I hope this dude knows where he's going! He better keep his eyes open for the uh, gulp, the Creature?!


Anonymous said...

1. walton admires dr. frankenstein b/c he considers himself a scientific man, so they can relate. Also, he see's that dr. frankenstein is very brave b/c he journied alone into the cold wilderness.
2. They are alike b/c they r both scientists and are on a dangerous mission.
3. b/c he wants to explain about the creature that came by the ship first, but walton needs to know the stroy leading up to it, and i think dr. frankenstein doenst wasnt to look bad and needs a freind also.
4. marge is supposed to be the bride of the creature?

Anonymous said...

1) Walton admires Dr. Frankenstein so much because he is an intelligent man, who knows a lot. Walton is looking for a fried, and tihnks that Dr. Frankenstein would be a great fit for him because he is the only other one on the ship besides walton with some intelligence, since all the other people aboard are seamen. Walton longs for a deep conversation with a smart respectable person, and thinks Dr. Frankenstein is going to be his new friend.
2)Walton and Dr. Frankenstein are alike because they both are smart, determined people. They both have/had goals and, would stop at nothing until they reached their goals.
3)Dr. Frankenstein tells Walton his story, because he feels the same friendship growing, that Walton sees. He also wants a friend, and connected with Walton.
4)Marge Simpson is supposed to be the bride of Frankenstein in this picture.

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires Dr. frankenstein because he is a someone who he can relate to, he is the closest thing to a friend he can get while venturing out in sea. One of Walton's dreams is to have a friend and Dr. Frankenstein appeared and now he has someone to talk to. He is also a man of science, a common interest they both share.
2. They are alike because they both are interested in science and are both intelligent men.
3. He wants the story so he can get more information on why there was a random man in the middle of the sea, and to see if there is anything to stay clear of while adventuring.
4. The bride of frankensteins creation? or just the creature himself.

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires Dr. Frankenstein because they both have interests in science and they can look to each other if they need help. Also, Walton is very lonely and in need of friendship.. so Dr. Frankenstein can be his friend.
2. They are alike because they are 2 determined intelligent scientists.
3 Frankenstein tells walton his story because he wants to have a good relationship with him and so he can get more background on the creature.
4. I think that Marge Simpson is supposed to be frankensteins bride probably

Anonymous said...

1, 2, and 3. Walton admires Frankenstein's courage and passion. During his most vunerable state he finds a great man, who helps him get through this long journey. They are alike because both of them have gone to lengths to achieve what they want and what they desire most in life. They believe in something far superior than themselves and strive to make history. After a long time of getting to know each other frankentein learns to trust walton enough to tell him his journeys and life experiences. Whether it be a trust issue or a friendship issue isnt really the case but what counts is that he thought walton was worthy of his story.
4. Marge Simpson is Frankenstien's bride to be.

Anonymous said...

1)Walton admires Dr. Frankenstein because they seem to fit together due to their intelligence. Walton seems to see a little bit of himself in Dr. Frankenstein which helps them relate with one another in a good way.
2)Walter and Frankenstein are alike because they are both scientist and both have similar knowledge.
3)Dr. Frankenstein tells walton his story, in which showing the bond growing inbetween them and how they are on a new level of friendship and feels like he should share his ideas.
4)Marge Simpson looks like she is suppose to be the bride of the creature

Anonymous said...

1)Walton admires Dr. Frankenstein because they seem to fit together due to their intelligence. Walton seems to see a little bit of himself in Dr. Frankenstein which helps them relate with one another in a good way.
2)Walter and Frankenstein are alike because they are both scientist and both have similar knowledge.
3)Dr. Frankenstein tells walton his story, in which showing the bond growing inbetween them and how they are on a new level of friendship and feels like he should share his
4) Marge simpson looks like she is suppose to be the pride of the creature

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires Dr. Frankenstein because he see himself in Frankenstein and feel that these two scientist are on the same journey to a discovery of the world2. They are alike because they are both scientist to are on a misson to discover something new to bring them a better tommorow.
3. Frankenstein tell this story to Walton because he want Walton to be his friend and understand what he has done and to understand the mysterous man in the dog sled.
4. Marge is supposed to be the bride of The bride of Frankenstein Creature.

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires the stranger for a couple of reasons. First off, Walton wanted to find a friend and as he meets Frankenstein he enjoys his presence and his personality. Walton likes the fact that he can have an intelligent conversation with someone. Walton said, "I begin to love him as a brother;" Walton also admires the stranger because they both enjoy the life of science and Walton can relate with Frankenstein because their both determined people looking to succeed/experiment.

2. Walton and Frankenstein are alike because both men are looking to succeed. In Walton's case his voyage to the pole and Victor's case, the nature of science and the creation of man. In addition, both men find a interest in science.

3. Frankenstein tells Walton his story because Frankenstein had so much knowledge and wisdom on science and in the end he abused his knowledge and does not want Walton to make the same mistake. In addition, Frankenstein felt obligated to tell Walton his story considering that Walton saved him and I'm sure Frankenstein felt that Walton was wondering how he got lost and got caught up in this mess.

4. In the picture, Marge Simpson represents the creature, Frankenstein's bride.

Anonymous said...

1)Walton admires Frankenstein because Frankstein was a man that was searching for something in uncharted territory just like Walton.
2)They are alike because both of them set out on journeys to the unknown and left their families behind.
3)Frankenstein tells Walton his story probably because he sees something in Walton that makes him think that they are friends.
4)Marge looks like dracula in this picture

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires the stranger, Dr. Frankenstein, because he is a wise and brilliant man who has gained a great deal of knowledge about the world around him over the years. Walton looks up to Dr. Frankenstein due to his intelligence and wants to amount to something, like Dr. Frankenstein. Additionally, Walton admires the stranger, Dr. Frankenstein, because he feels desperately in need of a friend and companion who could boost his spirits and listen to what he has to say. Walton feels that Dr. Frankenstein is the perfect friend for him because he thinks that they both need some form of comfort and they could both be there for each other.
2.Walton and Frankenstein are alike because they have both been faced with some major challenges in their lives that have caused them to feel lonely and miserable. Also, they are alike because they both are intelligent men that were on a quest for discovery and knowledge.
3. Frankenstein tells Walton his story because he feels that Walton may be able to relate some of his life to some of the incidents that occurred in his story. Frankenstein feels that telling his story to Walton may help him to succeed on his journey and help him to improve in the areas that he had failed.
4. I think Marge is supposed to be the creature's wife in this picture.

Anonymous said...

1. Walton admires the stranger, Dr. Frankenstein because he thinks that it is amazing how he can act so friendly and kind after being seriously ill. Also, he finds it interesting that he sounds very wise and intelligent when he speaks and acts so noble.
2. Walton and Frankenstein are alike because they are both very bright and enjoy using their knowledge to think of creations to construct. They also believe that it is very important to have friendships in life. Finally, they both feel happy, sad, and angry and certain times and do not always act a certain way all the time.
3. Frankenstein tells Walton his story because he saw how determined of a person Frankenstein was. Moreover, he knows that Frankenstein searches for both knowledge and wisdom and wants his story to help him learn and find answers on his quest. Lastly, he thinks that Frankenstein and him have many similar qualities and thinks that his story will very much interest him.
4. Marge Simpson is supposed to be the bride of Frankenstein in this picture.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jorie's opinion that Walton admires Frankenstein because he is the only other person on the ship, besides himself, that is intelligent and he can have an enticing conversation with. Also, I think that Walton admires Frankenstein because he seems to have a lot of wisdom and Walton thinks that Frankenstein may be able to help him on his journey to the northwest passage.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jorie Pinsof's comment. I also thought that Walton admired Dr. Frankenstein because they are two intelligent scientists and he deeply wanted a friend other than the seamen on their trip. In addition, I thought that she was right when she said that they are two intelligent men who would stop at nothing to reach their goals. I also think that they would work very hard and could do anything they set their minds to. Lastly, I also believed that she was right when she said that Walton told Dr. Frankenstein his story because he felt that they had a close frienship.

Anonymous said...

i really like the fact that josh said she looks like dracula, when the book is about frankenstein and his creature
and i think is interesting how people said that she was the "bride of Frankenstein" when Victor Frankenstein was the creator, and he had a creature who it look like she was dressed as.

this link shows the list of characters in the 1935 film "bride of frankenstein" and it actually states a seperate "monster mate" and "monster" and "dr. frankenstein"

Anonymous said...

I think in Walton does see himself Dr. Frankstein in a way They are both on a misson to create their future in the world by Science. I also agree with everyone that he is telling the soty to make Walton a friend but i also think he is trying to spread the story to people so he would be known World Wide

Anonymous said...

I think in Walton does see himself Dr. Frankstein in a way They are both on a misson to create their future in the world by Science. I also agree with everyone that he is telling the soty to make Walton a friend but i also think he is trying to spread the story to people so he would be known World Wide

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Mike said about Frankenstein's and Walton's relationship... This is because they really are on a new level of friendship and getting to know each other a lot better. Their friendship is changing but growing as they work together. I also agree with what Jorie said about walton needing a friend and the similarities between walton and dr. frankenstein should let them be friends.

Anonymous said...

i agree with what chelsea said about how they are alike. They are both very interested in sciecne and are intelligent people. I also agree wit hchelsea on why Frankenstein is sharing his story. I think it is also because they want to bond and are very similar

Anonymous said...

I agree with almost all of the comments posted. I would like to comment that Avi's post was both detailed and inspiring. His profound use of english grammer and complex words and sentences is indeed mind boggling to me. I would also like to state that almost all of his points are valid and i would agree that they are both interested in the same aspects of life such as science. Both of these two gentleman want to achieve greatness by helping society advance and prosper.

Anonymous said...

In terms of the similarity that both Walton and Frankenstein have, I strongly agree with everyone that there not only intelligent people but their also determined people with goals. I really like how David used the words, they believe in something far more superior than themselves. It shows that their high knowledge is driving them to attempt things above and beyond. I agree with Carli when she says that Walton looks up to Frankenstein, it's like he's admired by him and wants to learn from him. I like how J-Dawg said that their alike because there on a mission to make a better tommorow. To add, I feel that both men want to be one of the first to make a break through in history and be known for their excellence.

Anonymous said...

In terms of the similarity that both Walton and Frankenstein have, I strongly agree with everyone that there not only intelligent people but their also determined people with goals. I really like how David used the words, they believe in something far more superior than themselves. It shows that their high knowledge is driving them to attempt things above and beyond. I agree with Carli when she says that Walton looks up to Frankenstein, it's like he's admired by him and wants to learn from him. I like how Jeremy said that their alike because there on a mission to make a better tommorow. To add, I feel that both men want to be one of the first to make a break through in history and be known for their excellence.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most all comments left because they all have similar descriptions. I think they were all well thought through and i liked the way some people commented. For instance, i liked how Jorie was talking about how frankenstein is the only person that walton can connect with, and a lot of other people touched on that as well

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the comments above ..
Dr. Frankesnstien and Waldon seem
to get along with eaxh other very well. They both seem to have a curiosity for science.
The reason Dr. Frank is starting the story in this manner is to cause more attention and detail to the story.

P.s. marge is the creatures birde ??