Also, before I post this week's prompt, I just want to commend all of you for writing such thoughtful and insightful comments about Walton. I was, like, wowzers - check out the brains on 7th period! Very impressive everyone, and thanks for participating.
We finally meet the Creature! But Victor hates the Creature as soon as he sees how ugly he is. One of the most disturbing suggestions some readers find in Frankenstein is that physical ugliness is so powerful a force that nothing can compensate for it. Why are we so quick to judge others by the way they look? The first thing Frankenstein does after bringing his Creature to life is to flee, first to sleep in his bed and then to wander through the streets. What does his behavior tell us about him? There are no right and wrong answers here folks. Take a risk with your answers and go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is!
And to make up for all this freaky stuff, here's something cute to look at.

We are so quick to judge others by the way they look for numerous reasons. First, we judge others by the way they look because we have a fixation on beauty and we have made up our own standards about what is beautiful and ugly in our society today. We judge people based on their appearance because we are surrounded by beautiful celebrities, singers, and actresses which is one of the main reasons that we judge people so quickly based on their appearance. Due to these unrealistic standards of beauty we base our opinions of others on beauty rather than on a person's personality. What Victor's behavior tells us about him is that he does not take responsibility for his actions and runs away from his problems instead of confronting them face to face. Victor ran away from the creature once he brought it to life because he felt horrified by what he had created and would rather run away from the problem instead of facing it head on. Moreover, his behavior tells us that he is a man who does not take the time to think of the consequences of his actions and due to his carelessness he had not foreseen how drastically the world could be affected by the creature he had created.
I think that we are so quick to judge others by the way that they look because we first get information about people by what we observe. The way that people look and dress tells others about their personalities, interests, and beliefs. Additionally, we make opinions of other people because we think that we can know a lot about them based solely on their appearances. Our first impressions of people are their outward appearances before we actually get to know them because we sometimes believe only what we see. What Frankenstein's behavior tells us about him is that he shows that his way of dealing with his problems is by escaping. He did not want to see the creature and face the possible consequences of his creation. Instead of finding a way to handle his situation, he ran away so that he did not need to think about what he had created.
I think we are so quick to judge others by beauty because society is so set on how everyone should look and how they're bodies should look and we get distracted by this.
After victor ran away from the creature due to its physical appearance this tells us is that he is fixed on appearance and runs away fro mhis problems. After this incident, after meeting the creature and runnign away, he set that problem aside and enjoyed himself forgetting aobut his creation. Instead of appreciating all the hard work he put into making it and to get it to become 'alive' he doesn't want anything to do with it.
first appearances are just as important today as they were back in the time of frankentein, so when dr. frankenstein see what he created he is, above all, disgusted with himslef and fearfull of the consequences. He wants to know that nature and life is beautiful, but what he creates he beleives is a monstrosoty. He is fleeing from the truth and what he created. This tells us that he is just like a lot of people, and also finds first impressions important. He then doesnt want to even be near the creature. For all we know, he could be a very nice being, and shy, being.
i believe that people are so interested in looking beautiful that if someone is less than perfect it throws off the way we live.
This holds true for Frankenstein. when Dr. frankenstein creates this new body he is astounded by its appearance. although not expecting him to be exceptional he is taken aback by his unique looks. We know this because like Carli said, victor is behaving strangely, after he brought the inanimate body to life he became afraid and ran away from the creature. Being as he is different i believe that victor was afraid of being caught with such an ugly being that he ran away from his problems because others will think he is insane and find him different, and possibly see through his genius and find him abnormal and ugly as well.
I think people in our time, put such a stress on physical appearance, that it almost becomes human nature for one to judge. Media is a huge influence on our opinions of others; when fashiom trends come out, if your not wearing what's "in style" then you're considered an outsider. Same goes for physical appearances, when you don't look the same way that everyone else does, then you are judged. So, when Victor, after spending all this hard work trying to be loved and repected, as an inventor, invents something that, we would consider a "freak" for being, ugly and different, he is angry because he doesnt think that he'll get the respect and he so longed for. When he ran away from it, it showed his weakness as character. He doesn't have the strength to show the community his creation, because he failed. He can't confront his problems, just like how he let Justine, take the blame for the murder that he new the creature, caused its because, he coudn't deal with being called crazy or evil. He is not strong enough as a human being to show the world his creation, because hes not ready for the critism, whether it's good or bad. He's not ready to be judged.
We judge others by the way that they look because sometimes they are different. An immediate thought that pops into everyone's head is an assumption about a person. The assumption is based off the person's looks and can be bad or good. Victor's behavior tells us that he doesnt want anything to do with the creature.
I think we judge people we don't know based on appearances because we simply don't know them. If a person think someone's appearance is fine, the person will talk to that person. If their appearance is different than what they think someone's should be, they'll most likely call that person a 'freak.' When Victor created Frankensein, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. If the creature's appearance was really repulsive, why did Victor create him like that? What Victor did was wrong. He abandoned the creature he made although he had an obligation to it. Like a mother to its child, Victor shouldn't have ran away from his creation. I think the combination of disgust and fear took over Victor after the creature came alive. He was dissapointed at the creation he worked so long on. He didn't like the way his creature looked. He didn't even give the poor creature a chance. I see a lot of that now-a-days. When people see someone ugly, they don't even bother talking to that person. They don't even want to be seen with that person. Some people aren't like that but most people are. In society, we have images of what 'ugly' is and isn't. Sadly, people follow those images of 'pretty-ness' and they try to make themselves not ugly so people will want to talk to them and be seen with them.
In this world today, the idea of beauty and the way people look has taken over everyone's mind. Media has taught people around the world that beauty is the number one thing and people are judged unfairly if they lack that aspect. Like in Frankenstein, when Victor saw this ugly wretched creature come to life he immediately fled from him thinking this person is a freak. This ties into society because people will avoid and judge someone who doesn't fit society's standards of being pretty oppose to someone being beautiful. The idea of beauty has taken over which hinders people to look at someone's inner beauty. When Victor fled from the creature this tells us that he based his opinions of a person based on their looks and as he runs away this demonstrates that even the though the creature is so ugly he didn't take the time to meet the creature's accepting and nice inner beauty. This shows Victors inability to accept his creation as being ugly. Also, this shows that Victor is afraid of failing, because although he hoped for creating this amazing beautiful creature, he didn't and fled from him. I feel that the author tricked us because she wanted to give the readers an impression that Victor was driven to just bring something to life, but really physical appearance is a theme that frightens Victor.
"Dont judge a book by it's cover"
But we all have tendency to judge a person by how they look.
It's due to human nature that we judge things by how it appears. If something looks dangerous we have a tendncy to be on the safe side and advoid it.
For example. the world's most dangerous criminal could dress up very mannerly, and most of us will think of him as a very high standard gentleman.
In my opinion Victor does not have the courage to face his own problems. He tends to hide or set them aside completely. He needs to learn how to face the music and solve his own tragedey.
Like everyone has commented although we should try not to judge people on how they look, appereances is a very important factor.
I think judging someone to fast can cause you sufferening and hurt you on the inside. Victor loved what he created until the creature woke up and was hideous to him. I think everyone judges people and I think judgement has been around since the day life began. Everyone judges everyone and if you judge them in a bad way they might be doing the same to you. The smartest most polite person could be ugly and they could be a real true friend like the creature is intelligent and wise but is hideous and we should jusge him from the inside not outside.
All around us in the world, people are judged how how they act, what they do, and most importantly how you look. If you look at most famous people: the movie starts, the models and others are all great looking people and are rewarded for being great looking. They have all the money and friends and are liked by all. That is the complete opposite for the ugly people. If you are considered "ugly" by people, to which is an opinion, you will be treated differently. You wont have nearly as many friends and will be made fun of. Even some people that are mean and cruel enough, tend to make fun of those ugly people just because they are different. I think this is a stereotypical act by victor when he sees his creation. I think he is afraid of it and dislikes him just because he is ugly and treats him horribly for it. Victor on sight of the creature, ran away into a different room to sleep because he couldn't stand the sight of his creation. He decided not to handle his creation and try leaving it on other peoples hands, which ends up to turn out ugly.
Everyone these days are so fixated on whats normal and others'looks, so that is all anyone looks for in new people they meet. From the reaction Victor has to the creature, it tells us that he is just like anyone else, and has problems with accepting things that are "different." Not only is victor quick to judge on appearances, he does not think through his problems. What he should have done was give the creature the time after it had came to life and learned more about the creature he had spent so much time creating.
we learn not to judge a book by its cover but inside everyone judges people by the way they first see them... victor is behaving the exact opposite of that saying. he spends two years of his life to inamitate a human body and puts sooo much work into creating it. When he realizes that the creature isnt beautiful and doesnt look like a "normal" human, he automatically hates it. this definetly says something about victor. it says that he judges people/creatures by whats on the outside, not the inside and that he cant face his own problems. he needs to learn to fix his problems at the start before they get bad. if he never lets his problems get out of control(the creature), he will never get himself into situations like he is in right now. also, he needs to learn to get to know someone before judging them. if he hadnt abandoned the creature in the first place, then he wouldnt be so messed up, and maybe william and justine wouldnt be dead.
I think that we are so quick to judge others based on their physical appearance because anything that doesn't remotely relate to our schema of beauty shocks us. When we see someone who is, what our society would call, ugly, we insantly think of them in a negative way. The first thing a person sees when they meet someone is how they look. Until you get to know them that is the only way you can base an opinion off of them. You can easily tell that Frankentein is very judgemental. Although im sure many people would be frightened at the sight of a creature such as this, Frankenstein is his creator, and should not cower at his presence. If the creature had looked like a beautiful princess this whole story would be different, that is for the sole purpose that everyone values physical attractiveness so highly. No one deserves to be casted aside with one glance.
I think that we are so quick to judge others by the way they look because in our society people want to see beauty, and they don't want to see and accept the flaws that everyone has. Our culture surrounds us with beautiful people and makes people want to look perfect and change their imperfections. The first thing we see of someone is their appearance, so we are quick to judge them on that. When Victor runs away from his creature it says that he doesn't face his problems and take responsibility for what he has created. He deals with his problems by running away, and not thinking about the consequences that creating his creature could have brought on.
We are so quick to judge others and most of the time, we just make assumptions about them. I think that we have seen others that resemble the person we are judging, and just implying that they are the same way. We have the 'normal' way of living in our culture, and anything that stands out.. we make a big deal about. We judge people based on their appearances because we don't know them as a person. We are just guessing that they act the way they dress. Yes, in some cases this is true, but not every time. What Victor's behaviors tells us about him is that he gets 1st impressions on people (or the creature) and thats it. He doesn't even have to get to know someone to judge him/her. He technically doesn't have a reason to escape from the creature, except being frightened. But still, this isn't right and I think that he should have at least stayed with the creature longer to see what it was going to do.
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