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Romanticism 101
Hello, Sophomores ~ You have reached the blog for 7th period English. If you are in 5th period, please visit Feel free to visit both sites but only post comments on your respective blog.We have officially begun our unit on Frankenstein. I am looking forward to exploring this fascinating text with all of you. However, before we commence, it is imperative to understand the time period in which the story was written. Mary Shelley lived during the sweeping artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement known as Romanticism. It is a movement that changed literature and the other arts in ways that YOU will research, write about, and share with the class. So without further delay, let us journey back to the places, emotions, and ideas of the 19th century! Who's coming with me? Why, Mr. William Wordsworth for starters with some useful advice to boot.... ~ Come forth into the light of things. Let Nature be your teacher. Hmm....(scratching head), what's with the capital "N"?Menu de FunAs we discussed on Friday, your group will be responsible for researching an assigned topic on Romanticism. Remember - As a group, come up with FIVE significant points about your topic to post on the blog by this Friday. Only one member of the group needs to post the five points. Doesn't matter who. After everyone has submitted their findings, I will compile a handy Romanticism page that will help guide your reading of Frankenstein. Please email me with questions.
·The romantic poets believe that the common man is the natural and the earthly man. Another positive trait is given to this ordinary man as he is religious and sensitive.
·Children of the aristocracy were given the title of "lord" and "lady" added to their Christian name and surname (Lord George Byron).
·Most common men were heroes to people during the Romantic Time.
·Heroine begins poor and helpless while rich try to gain more power without people caring.
·This admiration on the ordinary man is expressed through the sympathetic manners of the blacksmith in "The Village Blacksmith." The smith as symbol of the common man is physically and spiritually strong. This smith has large and sinewy hand with iron muscles and works very hard.
- Before romanticism there were years of revolution. People figthing for their rights and the power as citzens. (French Revoultion)
- In many famous pictures, we see today, show liberty and fight for freedom most of these are influenced by Romanticism
ex:Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix
The Third of May 1808 by Francisco Goya
- Romanticism supported many ideas showing the importance and beaut of humans, and boldly supported that all people are equal, free, and have liberty.
-Romanticism is also effected by a time known as " The enlightment"
During thsee times there was a famous thinker by the name of John Locke. John Locke claimed that evry man is born with natural rights. Natural rights are : life liberty and property.
These words have even effected the Consitituion of America " life liberty and the pursit of happiness"
And to the Romantists it has been a great impact, howing the idea of humanisim as well as liberty.
-Resulting in part from the libertarian and egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, the romantic movements had in common only a revolt against the prescribed rules of classicism. The basic aims of romanticism were various: a return to nature and to belief in the goodness of humanity; the rediscovery of the artist as a supremely individual creator; the development of nationalistic pride; and the exaltation of the senses and emotions over reason and intellect. In addition, romanticism was a philosophical revolt against rationalism.
- Mary Shelley was part of the "romantics," they are a very close knit group of friends that stick together, travel together, and go against society. They elope to places far away like the swiss alps in cottages together.
- Pieces of literature are set in places secluded away from society. "Frankenstein" is set in a remote setting. Now Robert is traveling to the Arctic away from society, alone, without his sister.
- The Romantics were considered freaks, meaning they were isolated from others, people were against then and were individuals who were separated from society.
- Pg. 7 " I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man." Robert is going to a place where nobody has visited before. Therefore he is being an individual and going against what many others think is sane, causing him to be seen as a rebel and a romantic.
-Dr. Frankenstein was an individual facing society because he came up with the idea to create a create from an old body using electricity, no other person had done that before.
the dying woman wanted her lover to stay with her, even though clearly it wasnt the right choice considering her husband was coming up to see her, she didnt care about reason only her emotions.
when the man saved the poor guy from under the wheelbarrow, or whatever it was, he didnt care that he was helping a poor man he followed his heart and mind and acted on what he believed was right
"Energy is the only life, and is from the Body; and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy. " -William Blake
This is imagination over reason because he is imagining something could never be true
"To forgive wrongs darker than Death or Night;" this is by percy shelley and its emotion over reason because your forgiving someone of a crime even though its the wrong thing to do.
"When they see it wrong, we see it right" They believe in following your heart, even if its not necesarilly the right thing to do
- a romantic hero revolts against aristocracy
- they often come from humble origins and rarely live happily ever after
- often they are a reject of society and is the center of their own world
- usually the main protaganist in the story
- always seeking for something that is just out of reach
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