Thursday, February 21, 2008

Romanticism 101

Hello, Sophomores ~ You have reached the blog for 7th period English. If you are in 5th period, please visit Feel free to visit both sites but only post comments on your respective blog.We have officially begun our unit on Frankenstein. I am looking forward to exploring this fascinating text with all of you. However, before we commence, it is imperative to understand the time period in which the story was written. Mary Shelley lived during the sweeping artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement known as Romanticism. It is a movement that changed literature and the other arts in ways that YOU will research, write about, and share with the class. So without further delay, let us journey back to the places, emotions, and ideas of the 19th century! Who's coming with me? Why, Mr. William Wordsworth for starters with some useful advice to boot.... ~ Come forth into the light of things. Let Nature be your teacher. Hmm....(scratching head), what's with the capital "N"?

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As we discussed on Friday, your group will be responsible for researching an assigned topic on Romanticism. Remember - As a group, come up with FIVE significant points about your topic to post on the blog by this Friday. Only one member of the group needs to post the five points. Doesn't matter who. After everyone has submitted their findings, I will compile a handy Romanticism page that will help guide your reading of Frankenstein. Please email me with questions.